Conditions Causing Metabolic Syndrome

How Lifestyle Adjustments and Akkermansia muciniphila can Support Metabolic Syndrome


Metabolic syndrome is highly prevalent in most countries as it seems to affect between 20 and 30 per cent of a country’s adult population. This syndrome comprises various conditions that can increase the chances of developing serious health problems, including heart disease, stroke and diabetes. Conditions may include  high blood pressure and/or sugar levels, excess body fat around the waist, abnormal cholesterol levels and high blood triglyceride levels. While genetics can predispose some individuals to develop this syndrome, poor lifestyle choices may also increase one’s risk.


Conditions Causing Metabolic Syndrome


Individuals who exhibit the following conditions are at a higher risk to develop metabolic syndrome:


Excess Belly Fat: Any form of obesity carries an increased risk of ill health, including this syndrome. However, the greatest threat is to those with too much fat around the waist.


Hypertension: A consistently high blood pressure is also a risk factor, even for patients receiving treatment with the appropriate medication.


Raised Fasting Blood Sugar: Following an 8-hour fast, high blood sugar levels could indicate the person may be diabetic or pre-diabetic. People with diabetes are prone to heart and kidney disease and problems with their nerves and eyesight.


High Serum Triglycerides: High fasting blood levels of a type of fat known as triglycerides increase the risk of heart disease.


Low HDL Cholesterol: This high-density lipoprotein compound is often referred to as “good cholesterol” as it helps suppress levels of harmful LDL cholesterol. The latter can cause plaque build-up in your blood vessels that can lead to heart disease and stroke.


Lifestyle Solutions to Lower Your Risk of Metabolic Syndrome


Whether you looking to lower your risk of metabolic syndrome or suffer from the conditions that can lead to it, it’s not too late to begin taking control. The clue lies in an alternative name, ‘insulin syndrome’, sometimes used to describe the combination of the conditions listed above. Faulty insulin production leads to diabetes, and being overweight can reduce insulin sensitivity. Consequently, glucose control and weight loss are essential components of any effective remedy.


Lifestyle changes can play a significant role in slowing the progression of the conditions above:


  • Adopt a healthy diet. Avoid fatty, sugary and processed foods that are high in calories. Opt for nutritious, high-fibre choices instead, including fruits, vegetables and whole grains.
  • Get active. Regular physical activity can help manage conditions like high cholesterol and blood pressure. Choose an exercise programme that aligns well with your level of physical fitness.
  • Manage stress. To enhance one’s mental and emotional well-being, it is worth adopting techniques to effectively cope with stress and offer relaxation, such as deep breathing, yoga and meditation.
  • Get more sleep. A lack of quality sleep over time can lead to physical and mental health issues. Adults should aim to sleep 7 to 9 hours per day.


Take a Supplement for Effective Weight Management* and Glucose Control**


Akkermansia muciniphila is a gut bacteria that may help support metabolic health by improving insulin sensitivity and reducing inflammation. To treat obesity or lower one’s risk of metabolic syndrome, additional measures need to be taken in addition to adopting a healthy lifestyle. Introducing an innovative solution developed by The Akkermansia Company Containing Akkermansia muciniphila and promoting weight management* and glucose control**.  This food supplement contains pasteurised Akkermansia, ECGC Green Tea, Chromium and Vitamin B2, and, together with optimal lifestyle changes, can help you reshape the future of your health.

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